Energy Oil Paintings

Farid M Khattab

artist painter healer

Plants Painting

Abstract art oil paintings and mixed media, by Farid Khattab artist painter and energy healer.
You can place the painting in your favorite postion as displayed or +90 or +180 or +270 degrees clockwise, or change the orientation on the wall every week. You will see new perspective from each position. You can even make several paintings from each painting, totally flexible to suit your taste and style.
to view the painting with more layouts, watch the video full screen or click on youtube, pause and play the video as you wish to have more time to view each position
in most browsers you can pause and play by a click on the video
Plants Painting
Dimensions: w19xh14 inches 
Dimensions: w49xh36 centimeters
ref no:1313022 
rotation views of more angles, complete set 00 - 45 - 90 - 135 - 180 - 225 - 270 - 315 - 360 degrees clockwise
click on image to see a larger view for all the 4 positions
Plants Painting
mini image from within the painting
plants are vital for our existance, they provide oxygen and clean the carbon dioxide.
sliced up
Plants Painting sliced up
Position +90 degrees clockwise
Plants Painting +90 degrees clockwise rotation
mini image from within the painting
plants provide food to us and to the animals, also help make the weather more bearable
sliced up
Plants Painting +90 degrees clockwise rotation sliced up
Position +180 degrees clockwise
Plants Painting +180 degrees clockwise rotation
mini image from within the painting
there are many types of plants some grow better out doors and some grow better inside our homes or in the shade, having plants around us is beneficial
sliced up
Plants Painting +180 degrees clockwise rotation sliced up
Position +270 degrees clockwise
Plants Painting +270 degrees clockwise rotation
mini image from within the painting
plants that grow in our locale are the best for us, what grows in other locales is best for those of the other locales
sliced up
Plants Painting +270 degrees clockwise rotation sliced up
to view the painting with more layouts, watch the video full screen or click on youtube, pause and play the video as you wish to have more time to view each display
Plants Painting